So why now lazy man?

Sigh. I feel a bit embarrassed doing this right now. I’m supposed to be a professional writer. Albeit a not very well paid or especially busy professional writer but it’s still my day job. Sort of.

So why am I arriving so late at the blogging party? After all, I’m about five years too late to be cutting edge, so it’s like all the tasty blogging party snacks have been eaten and only crumbs and nasty stuff are left over and all the good beer has gone so now I’m left sipping shitty, warm lager and wishing I’d come to the party much earlier. The answer is in the title. I’m sick of being a lazy writer, so I’m planning making a public display of my lethargic approach to my chosen career and in doing so, shame myself into greater focus. Not a bad plan, is it? I mean, nobody has to read this shit, do they? I can just share some confessional crap with the great unknown and feel a tiny little bit better as a result. At least that’s what I hope will happen. And if, as I wallow in occasional outbursts of self-loathing and regret, I manage to offer anything useful or entertaining to the casual reader then I shall be glad… happy to be of service.

In these various postings I’ll probably talk mainly about screenwriting, a bit about being a small-scale producer, some stuff about wishing I did a lot more directing, too much stuff about music (my real love), probably a bit about animation (a subject I don’t know much about despite having been involved with it for over a decade now), some stuff about the pretty city I live in, the silly business I co-run and some esoteric stuff that will stray occasionally into the metaphysical and then, hopefully not too often, stray further into the downright wanky.

On a more selfish and self-serving note, I shall also try and document progress or, more usually, lack of progress on various projects I’m working on. Again, these are mainly small scale projects although they include a couple of feature film projects with an Academy Award nominated producer, some big budget spec features in various stages of under-development, several indie-level (ie hardly any budget) comedies in various stages of narrative disarray, a couple of TV projects, short films, adverts and, if and when I’m lucky, the occasional music promo. Oh yes… and some songs. I play in a couple of bands with other people who are old enough to know better… but happily still do it. Kind of grungy, punky, alt-country type stuff.

So… here goes.